Services.Boards can elect VeriDoc as their primary verification system or as an optional method for applicants who must verify their licenses.
Convenient & Cost-effectiveBoards collect their revenue from the verifications while freeing up staff & resources for other board needs. Physicians appreciate the convenience of sending multiple license verifications in a single, reliable transaction.
Fast & EfficientA fast & powerful tool for enhancing license portability, VeriDoc delivers verifications instantly. The automatic daily data downloads from board to VeriDoc is a streamlined process. Boards can elect VeriDoc as their primary verification system or as an optional method.
Trusted & SecureVeriDoc's secure & trusted system incorporates separate security measures to protect the data downloads, permit receiving boards to confirm the validity of verifications sent by VeriDoc, & guarantee the security of credit card transactions.
A Solution for AllBoards, users, & AIM all benefit from this convenient, fast, & secure license verification system. VeriDoc processes over 100,000 verifications per year. Currently, there are 29 boards contracted with VeriDoc to process their verifications. As more boards join VeriDoc, the system's efficiency & convenience increases.
Our Healthcare Force Comes FirstWe want every board to free up budget & staff resources by using VeriDoc while offering convenience to our healthcare licensees within today's current medical climate & demands.
How the Verification Process Currently Operates
While understanding most are intimately familiar with the process which is currently in place, a quick review reiterates the need for something more ideal and effective. When a physician or physician assistant applies for state licensure, that applicant is instructed to contact each of the other states where he/she has ever applied for a license. Generally this means that the applicant must track down the phone number for each of those boards or sift through an enormous amount of content on the boards’ websites to find the information they need to request a verification. The applicant then either has to call each of those boards or follow the usually difficult-to-find instructions online and, unless he/she happens to be obtaining verification from one of the states that verifies licensure status at no charge or online, the applicant is told to mail a check to the “sending” state before the verification can be forwarded to the “receiving” state. In this case, the applicant then sends a check to each of those state boards by mail. Some time after those boards receive the requests and accompanying payment, they will then process the requests for verification and will ultimately mail the verification statements to the receiving state(s).
Problems with the Current Process
The current process is generally very slow for several reasons including:
The current process absorbs a large amount of staff time at each of the medical board offices.
The current system is very inconvenient for applicants. There are 69 medical boards in the United States, with 69 phone numbers, 69 websites, and 69 addresses. Applicants must track down the contact information for each board from whom they have previously applied for a license and must communicate with each one separately, generally by telephone and mail.
- Many states require a check be mailed to them before they will verify the status of the license.
- The verification statements are invariably sent by mail.
- Many states take several days or even several weeks to process a request for verification of licensure.
The current process absorbs a large amount of staff time at each of the medical board offices.
The current system is very inconvenient for applicants. There are 69 medical boards in the United States, with 69 phone numbers, 69 websites, and 69 addresses. Applicants must track down the contact information for each board from whom they have previously applied for a license and must communicate with each one separately, generally by telephone and mail.
Elements of an Ideal Verification System
To be effective, a new system must meet the following requirements:
- It must be more convenient for applicants.
- It must result in less work for medical board staff.
- It should not result in a revenue loss for the medical boards.
- It must operate much faster and more efficiently than the current system.
- It must be offered at a reasonable cost.
Standards Participating Boards are Required to Meet
Each participating medical board must:
1) Update its licensure data daily.
2) Transmit its data to VeriDoc on a daily basis.
3) Guarantee that the data supplied to VeriDoc is the same data that would be used if a request for verification was submitted directly to the board’s office.
4) Supply at least the following identifying data regarding each of its licensees:
• Name
• Address
• Date of Birth
5) Supply, at a minimum, the following verification information for each of its licensees:
• License number(s)
• License issue date
• License expiration date
• Licensure status
• History of disciplinary actions
Contact us for more information on initial set-up and how our technical team may assist with the process.
1) Update its licensure data daily.
2) Transmit its data to VeriDoc on a daily basis.
3) Guarantee that the data supplied to VeriDoc is the same data that would be used if a request for verification was submitted directly to the board’s office.
4) Supply at least the following identifying data regarding each of its licensees:
• Name
• Address
• Date of Birth
5) Supply, at a minimum, the following verification information for each of its licensees:
• License number(s)
• License issue date
• License expiration date
• Licensure status
• History of disciplinary actions
Contact us for more information on initial set-up and how our technical team may assist with the process.
Standards & Security Measures VeriDoc Meets
VeriDoc’s fast and powerful verification delivery system enhances license portability while maintaining the data integrity of the verifications on board letterhead at the speed of the internet. Its secure, trusted system incorporates separate security measures to protect the data downloads, permit receiving boards to confirm the validity of verifications sent by VeriDoc, and guarantee the security of credit card transactions.
The VeriDoc system is connected to an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and includes a raid 5 system. Essentially this means that the system includes redundant hard drives to guard against the possibility that one or more of them might fail.
Passing information through an agent who has a contractual relationship with the approved source meets NCQA standards. The NCQA wrote:
The following response is provided based on the information that you provided during our telephone conversation and in PCS inquiries 13953 and 14102. NCQA standards do permit CVOs to verify credentials through an agent (or agents) that contracts with an approved source. The information provided in PCS inquiry 14102 describes a contractual relationship between VeriDoc and various state licensure boards that authorizes VeriDoc to serve as an agent for the verification of state licensure. To use an agent, a CVO or other organizations seeking certification or accreditation from NCQA must have documentation from the agent indicating that a contractual relationship exists between the agent and the approved source, and the contractual relationship must entitle the agent to provide verification of specific credentials on behalf of the approved source.
This is a very important feature of the VeriDoc system. When the AIM Committee surveyed the boards regarding the current verification system and the feasibility of establishing a nationwide electronic system, a number of boards pointed out that any electronic system would need to incorporate security measures which would assure the receiving states that the reports were actually generated by the appropriate entity, in this case VeriDoc. We know that the medical boards must have absolute confidence in the integrity of the system. The VeriDoc security system utilizes a unique randomly generated 15-digit number which is assigned to each verification report. In the case of every report, this randomly assigned number is checked against the bank of numbers which have been issued by VeriDoc. The validation process occurs just moments after the report is delivered to the receiving state.
VeriDoc’s fast and powerful verification delivery system enhances license portability while maintaining the data integrity of the verifications on board letterhead at the speed of the internet. Its secure, trusted system incorporates separate security measures to protect the data downloads, permit receiving boards to confirm the validity of verifications sent by VeriDoc, and guarantee the security of credit card transactions.
The VeriDoc system is connected to an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and includes a raid 5 system. Essentially this means that the system includes redundant hard drives to guard against the possibility that one or more of them might fail.
Passing information through an agent who has a contractual relationship with the approved source meets NCQA standards. The NCQA wrote:
The following response is provided based on the information that you provided during our telephone conversation and in PCS inquiries 13953 and 14102. NCQA standards do permit CVOs to verify credentials through an agent (or agents) that contracts with an approved source. The information provided in PCS inquiry 14102 describes a contractual relationship between VeriDoc and various state licensure boards that authorizes VeriDoc to serve as an agent for the verification of state licensure. To use an agent, a CVO or other organizations seeking certification or accreditation from NCQA must have documentation from the agent indicating that a contractual relationship exists between the agent and the approved source, and the contractual relationship must entitle the agent to provide verification of specific credentials on behalf of the approved source.
This is a very important feature of the VeriDoc system. When the AIM Committee surveyed the boards regarding the current verification system and the feasibility of establishing a nationwide electronic system, a number of boards pointed out that any electronic system would need to incorporate security measures which would assure the receiving states that the reports were actually generated by the appropriate entity, in this case VeriDoc. We know that the medical boards must have absolute confidence in the integrity of the system. The VeriDoc security system utilizes a unique randomly generated 15-digit number which is assigned to each verification report. In the case of every report, this randomly assigned number is checked against the bank of numbers which have been issued by VeriDoc. The validation process occurs just moments after the report is delivered to the receiving state.
We're Here to Answer Your QuestionsFor more information or to implement VeriDoc with your Board, contact our
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM e: [email protected] e: [email protected] For general information or support: p: 701.319.6500 e: [email protected] This site is intended for board informational purposes only. Licensees needing to request license verifications through the VeriDoc system should visit